The Omo River is an immensely popular river in Southern Ethiopia and remains one of the wildest, one of the most remote, and one of the most scenic places on Earth. Having been explored by only few western visitors, the Omo offers the greatest in all aspects of adventure: challenging terrain, exotic wildlife, extraordinary culture, and breathtaking scenery.

Trickling off remote portions of the Shewan highlands in northern Ethiopia, the Omo gains momentum from five major tributaries over its course, dropping more than six thousand feet in just under five hundred miles. Streaming through deep, forested gorges over the most desolate course in the world, tribal members said to have descended directly from the earliest homo sapiens to walk the planet - and still virtually unknown to the modern world - subsist off the river's abundance of flora and fauna.

Beasts of all proportions lurk within the corridor‘s shadows and pools, and some of the most spectacular scenery on the planet remain hidden within the gorge. The river drains into Lake Turkana near the Sudan border. The mystical Omo awaits those who yearn for an adventure of epic proportion!

In the same way, the river scores quite well among rafting enthusiasts as well. From challenging torrents and exquisite terrains to exotic wild lives and lush green forestry – the river has it all. A rafter gets to discover a lot, once he starts exploring the fascinating Omo River. The welcoming whitewaters of high-levels can offer the most spectacular view and off course, the most electrifying rafting adventures. However, none of the rapids are much threatening, thus providing joyous excitement all the way!

As you raft through the desolate lands, you are sure to enjoy every bit of the exhilarating trip. Along with the enticing whitewaters of the Omo River, a rafter is bound to get thrilled by the splendor of the breathtaking scenery. Streaming through the gorges, you can get a glimpse of the mystifying tribal culture along the riverside. It is even said that some of these desolate places by the riverside are still virtually unknown to the rest of the world.


Day 1: ARRIVAL ADDIS ABABA: Arrival at Addis Ababa Bole International Airport. You will be welcomed and get assisted by our representatives and transferred to Hotel. back home.
Day 2: FULL DAY CITY TOUR OF ADDIS: Morning after breakfast you will make a full day city tour of Addis Ababa, that includes National Museum, Ethnological Museum, Saint George Cathedral Museum & Church or Trinity Church, Mount Entoto and Merkato.
Day 3: ADDIS ABABA – WOLISSO: After breakfast, we drive 65 miles to the village of Wolisso. Tonight we’ll enjoy a soak and go over the specifics of the river portion of the expedition.
Day 4: GIBE BRIDGE: This morning we drive 50 miles to our put-in location at the Gibe Bridge. We’ll spend time rigging the rafts and going over the specifics of river safety and raft dynamics. Not long after putting on the water, we encounter the first of the many Class III rapids so abundant on the upper section of the river.
Day 5-11: UPPER OMO RIVER CANYON: We spend these days rafting the Upper Omo River Canyon! This section, which reaches depths of nearly 5000 feet, is filled with abundant wildlife and fantastic Class III and III+ whitewater. Curious hippos will greet us in the deep pools between the rapids; crocodiles bask in the sun on the river shores; troops of Colombus monkeys dance the treetops; and baboons bark from the cliffs. Large, sandy beaches at the confluences of tributaries make for spectacular camps. We’ll have plenty of time for swimming and hiking; and will reserve at least one layover day to visit a tribal village on the rim of the canyon!
Day 12: BALE BRIDGE: Today we raft to the Bele Bridge where we’ll stop and re-supply for the second half of the expedition. Those participating in only the upper half of the expedition will overnight at a deluxe accommodation en route to Addis Ababa. This is the put-in for the lower portion of the Omo River Canyon; participants of this section will join the expedition today.
Day 13-23: LOWER OMO VALLEY: We spend these days rafting the Lower Omo River, one of the oldest canyons on Earth, and the believed origin of humanity. The second half of the Omo River Expedition is an anthropological paradise, where we‘ll encounter numerous tribes of welcoming and curious people; and who will oftentimes beckon us to shore for a chat. The Bodi, the Mursi, the Kwegu, and the Chara, are among the ornately decorated tribal folks that we’ll encounter sporting beaded leather skirts, large clay lip plates, spectacular hairstyles, and earplugs. Spectacular riverside campsites and appetizing meals accompany our daytime adventure. Our trip ends near the confluence with the Mui River, where four wheel drive jeeps will escort us through Mago National Park to the town of Jinka where cold drinks and a grand banquet feast awaits!
Day 24: JINKA – ADDIS ABABA: After breakfast, we fly from Jinka to Addis Ababa and then in the late afternoon you will have time for shopping. In the evening our company will invite you to a farewell dinner party in one of the Traditional Ethiopian Restaurants with traditional music and dances from different ethnic groups, then transfer to Bole International Airport to fly