Day 1: Drive Addis to Debre Markos reroute visiting Debre Libanos monastery and the Blue Nile Gorge. Over Night Hotel
Day 2: Drive to Bahir Dar on the way Visit Zegena Creator Lake with beautiful country side villages. Overnight Hotel
Day 3: AM - Bahir Dars Sightseeing that includes the Blue Nile falls and Boat trip on Lake Tana to visit Monasteries on zeghe peninsula & PM drive to Gondar. Over night Hotel
Day 4: AM – Gondar and visit of Royal compound and Debre Breha silassie Church, then Pm drive to Debark. Over/
Overnight Hotel
Day 5: Drive to Axum through the lower part of the Semien Mountain which is so scenic. Over night Hotel
Day 6: Axum sightseeing that includes the Stele Park, the Museums, the archeological part Palace and Bath of queen of Sheba. Over night Hotel
Day 7: Drive to Mekele on the way visit Yeha Temple, Debra Damo monastery and other rock churches along the road. Overnight Hotel
Day 8: Drive to Lalibela through very attractive mountain ranges, on the way visit Yimrahana Kristos Monastery. Overnight Hotel
Day 9: Full day Lalibela rock hewn churches that include the first and the second groups. Overnight Hotel
Day 10: Drive to Kombolcha through chain of Mountains enjoying country side villages. Overnight Hotel
Day 11: Drive to Addis along the scenic route and visit the tunnel that was built by Italians which is about 500 meters. Overnight In Addis